The project Connecting Through Coffee aims to promote rural development through initiatives increasing productivity and the quality of coffee crops produced by smallholders in the region Ermera.
In 1859, the western part of the Timor Island was colonized by Portugal until the country was declared independent in 1975. After a brutal occupation by indonesian forces, lasting for 24 years, Timor-Leste became independent in 2002. Today, Timor-Leste is a developing country highly dependent on oil and gas export. However, the majority of the population is involved in agriculture. The cultivation and harvest of coffee constitutes the main source of income of approx. 45 000 households and represents the largest non-oil export resource.
The productivity in the timorese coffee production is among the lowest in the world, around 100 kg coffee per hectare. This is a result of the damage done by the occupation, lack of infrastructure and agricultural education as well as a range of other factors. Several coffee producing nations undergone transitions resulting in successful value chains providing increased income for farmers in similar situations as in Timor-Leste. There are lessons to be learned from Jamaica, Kenya, Guatemala and Peru.
Connecting Through Coffee
Kria dalan has a passion for coffee and is building a strong network in the Norwegian coffee market. Norwegians almost have a world record in coffee consumption per capita and several key players in the speciality coffee market are Norway-based. We wish to use this position in combination with the partners of Kria dalan in Timor-Leste, to build partnerships and networks promoting Timor coffee to the world.
There is a substantial potential for improving coffee production considering quality and quantity with inexpensive means and low investments. By raising funds to invest in the establishment of cooperatives in Timor-Leste, Kria dalan aims to increase productivity and the quality of coffee crops, which again increase the revenues earned by local farmers.
By placing farmers first, aiming for quality and securing sustainability, we will satisfy consumers and improve the conditions of smallholders in Timor-Leste.
SHORT TERM – 1 year
- Write a short report on the development opportunities and bottlenecks of the
supply chain of coffee through a study trip to Timor-Leste. [August 2018]
- Write a short report on the development opportunities and bottlenecks of the
- Host a promotion event in Norway, for Timor coffee with cupping of
samples and talks on Timor-Leste as a coffee nation. [October 2018]
- Host a promotion event in Norway, for Timor coffee with cupping of
- Raise funding for a washing facility supporting the establishment
of a cooperative in Ermera. [January 2019]
LONG TERM – 3 years
- Coffee from Timor-Leste available for Norwegian consumers.
- Significant increase of productivity and quality of coffee in partner cooperatives.
- Significant increase of income of farmers in partner cooperatives